Charter (Moa)


(updated as amended by AGM’s and EGM’s)




The Society being registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 by the name “S.J.A. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION”

2. Registered Office:

The registered office of the society shall be at “St. Joseph’s Academy, 12, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun (Uttarakhand)”

3. Area of Operation:

The Society shall operate all over the world as decided by the Managing committee from time to time


The Principal of St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehra Dun shall be the patron of the society. He shall be a Permanent “Special Invitee” by the Management Committee for the Meetings

5.Aims and Objectives:

The objectives of the society shall be as follows:

5(a) To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the Alma Mater. To encourage the formation of chapters to increase participation of Alumni.

5(b) To encourage the Alumni to take abiding interest in the progress and development of the Alma Mater.

5(c) To undertake activities of nation building including those of charitable nature.

5(d) To undertake all such lawful activities as are conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

5(e) To exchange professional knowledge, organize technical conferences, seminars work shops & training courses.

5(f) To do all acts and things necessary to facilitate the charitable, social cultural, educational, vocational and economic development of the society.

5(g) To provide educational & medical assistance to the poor and weaker section of the society.

5(h) To establish, promote, support, maintain for the promotion of science, literature, music, drama and fine arts, for the preservation of historical monuments and for research and other institutions, in India, having similar objects for the benefit of the public in general.

5(i) To promote and foster education among deserving students, whether of primary, secondary, graduate or vocational courses by all means and make such education available to all section of the community.

5(j) To develop literacy among the people through various educational programs like AIDS, POLIO, adult education, crimes, dowry system.

5(k) To establish, run, support to primary and secondary schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.

5(l) To develop a career counseling centre and other forums to bring about public awareness.

5(m) To undertake integrated rural development projects for overall socio­economic development of villages including encouragement of co­operative movements among the villagers.

5 (n)To undertake social causes, preferably at least one every year.

All the above object of the society will be charitable & non commercial as mentioned above as per rule given in the societies Registration Act 1860 clause 1 to 20.







Address St. Joseph’s Academy, 12, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun (Uttarakhand)
Work Area The Society shall operate all over the world as decided by the Managing committee from time to time
Patron The Principal of St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehra Dun shall be the patron of the society.

Membership for the association/society is open for all the male, female above the age of eighteen years, who has studied in St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehra Dun for at least a period of 03 years or have passed the Senior Cambridge or ISC or ICSE Board Examination.

5.1 Members:

Every person desiring to become a member shall have to forward an application in the prescribed form for the purpose to the secretary along with the Membership fee.

The Managing Committee / Secretary shall scrutinize all such forms received and thereafter induct the applicant as member of the Association.

The Managing Committee may, for reasons relevant to the Rules & Regulations of the Association, refuse admission to any one in its discretion. The amount of subscription submitted with the application shall be refunded to the applicant who has not been admitted as a member. Such person can reapply after a period of One year.

The Membership fee shall be Rs. 1,000/- (INR One Thousand Only)

(The membership fee will form part of the Corpus fund of the Association.)


In addition to the above the applicant shall be required to pay Annual Subscription fee per annum or one time payment as Life Subscription fee.

All prior membership applications lodged in the school Office for membership and forwarded to the Society/Association are automatic members. But they shall have to pay the Annual Subscription fee per annum or one time payment as Life Subscription fee.

With effect from 01.01.2015 onwards

Annual Subscription fee is Rs. 500/- per annum (INR Five Hundred Only) and

Life Subscription fee is Rs. 3,000/- (INR Three Thousand Only)

From April 2021, the Managing Committee as per discretion, to boost membership may hold special membership drive, and may charge/collect reduced annual Subscription fee of Rs. 250/- for first year only or a reduced Life time Subscription fee of Rs. 2,500/- from those Josephites who wishes to become member of the association during the calendar year in which he has appeared for their (10+2) examinations

5.2 Dormant Members:

All persons who are members of the Association and have not paid Life Subscription fee and have defaulted in payment of annual subscription fee for a period of Three consecutive years, shall become Dormant Members.

Once a member becomes a Dormant Member no further annual subscription fee would be applicable to him/her till the member regularizes his membership.

Dormant Members shall not have any voting rights whatsoever and shall be not allowed to participate in the activities of the Association, until he regularizes his/her membership.

Dormant Members shall have to pay a Regularization fee to regularize their membership.

The Regularization fee shall be Rs. 750/-

The member will also be required to pay annual subscription fee or life time subscription fee as applicable on the date of regularization.

As a one-time reconstruction of outstanding dues of existing dormant members; all members who are dormant as on 31st December 2020, irrespective of their dormant dues, shall have to pay Flat Regularization fee of Rs. 750/- alongwith Annual or life time subscription fee to regularize their membership.


6. Cessation of Membership:

A members of the society shall cease to be a member:

(i) If he/she shall die or found to be of unsound mind, or

(ii) If he/she is an undischarged insolvent or has applied to be adjudicated insolvent or,

(iii) If he/she has been convicted by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction for any offence involving moral turpitude or,

(iv) On tendering his/her resignation or,

(v) If he/she act against or subverts the activities of the association/ society or engages himself/herself on acts which are prejudicial to the interests of the association/society.

(vi) If he/she has defaulted in payment of Annual Subscription in continuation for Five years.

7.Bodies of Association/society

7.1 General Body:

7.1.a Formation: The general Body of the society shall be constituted of all the members mentioned herein before.

7.1.b Meetings: The General Body meeting shall be held at least once in a year. Extra ordinary meeting or special meeting may be held as and when necessary.

7.1.c Notice: Notice for meetings shall be served by the Secretary of the Association in writing by email or post to all the members not less than fifteen days prior to the date of the meetings.

7.1.d Agenda: The agenda of the general body meeting shall be settled by the managing committee in an earlier meeting.

7.1.e Quorum: Presence / majority of 1/3rd members of the general body or 20 (Twenty) members whichever is less would constitute the quorum of the meeting.

7.1.f Voting: All questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present. Each member shall have one vote. Member has voting rite provided he has paid up all the dues at the time of voting.

7.1.g Annual General Meeting: The managing committee shall determine the date, time and venue of the annual general meeting.

7.1.h Duties & Powers: The general body of the society shall elect the managing committee. The general body shall fulfill and carry out the aims and objects of the society and take part in the annual meetings of the society and shall also pass the various resolutions put forward by the managing committee.

7.2 Managing Committee:

7.2.a Formation: The Managing Committee of the Association shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, four Senior Members and three other Members. Total 12 Members.

One seat each shall be reserved for women candidates in the Senior Members category and other Members Category respectively; however in the event of women candidates not filing valid nominations, male members may be elected to fill in the vacancy in the respective category(ies).”

7.2.b Meetings: The managing committee shall meet at half yearly (06 months) to review the affairs of the society. Normally the meetings of managing committee shall be called by the President / Secretary.

7.2.c Notice: The members of the managing committee shall be notified in writing or by e­ mail of the meeting not less than Seven days prior to the appointed date of meeting and shall specify the venue, date and hour of the meeting.

7.2.d Agenda: The agenda of the meeting shall be the agenda settled by the President and Secretary or any one member of the committee.

7.2.e Quorum: Presence/majority of two third members of the managing committee including the President / Secretary shall be considered the quorum for the bi yearly meeting.

For Monthly meeting the Quorum will constitute minimum 5 members including President / Secretary

7.2.f Voting: All questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes/votes of members of the managing committee present in person at the meeting. Each member shall have the right of casting one vote only.

7.2.g Terms: The terms of the managing committee shall ordinary be for two years. The members of the managing committee shall be elected after every two years by the General Body.

7.2.h Appointments: Appointments of any vacancies in the managing committee due to the death of a member or otherwise would be made by the members of the managing committee.

7.2.i Powers and Duties of Managing Committee: The managing committee shall subject to these and by laws made from time to time by the society, conduct and manage all the business and affairs of the society. Moreover the business and affairs of the society exercise such powers, managing committee shall exercise such powers, do such acts only for the benefit of the society.

The managing committee shall have the following special powers and duties.

7.2.i.a To conduct all types of the meetings.

7.2.i.b To determine the duties of the office bearers and employees subject to these regulations.

7.2.i.c To appoint, remove and suspend paid officers and servants and to fix there salaries and duties.

7.2.i.d To maintain all of the accounts.

7.2.i.e To look after and manage all the property of the society.

7.2.i.f To determine the policies and the priorities of the society.

7.2.i.g To issue general instruction and guidelines to the members of the society on any matter concerning the policy of the society.

7.2.i.h To frame rules and regulations for the proper conduct of the business from time to time of the society.

7.2.i.i To coordinate the work of the society at all the locations and levels.

7.2.i.j To promote the aims and the objectives of the society and the execution of direction and guidelines formulated by the general body from time to time.


8. Powers and Duties of Office Bearers:

8 (i)Patron

The Principal of St. Joseph’s Academy Dehradun is an ex­-officio member of the Management committee and the General Body of the SJA Alumni Dehradun and is a permanent Invite to all meetings of the Managing Committee and general body.

To act as a mediator between the school St. Joseph’s Academy and its Alumnus.

In case of disagreement between the members of the managing committee the dispute may be referred to the Patron for his opinion.

The Patron will have access to the Book of Accounts of Association at any point of time.

8 (ii) President

To preside over the meeting and to see that the meeting is conducted properly.

Is responsible for the working of the society/managing committee with all members.

To supervise and guide the overall activities of the society.

8 (iii) Secretary :

To call meeting at general body/managing Committee with the consent of President/ Chairman.

To attend the meetings, keep minutes of all the meeting of both the bodies.

To carry on correspondence on behalf of the association / society / Managing Committee.

8 (iv) Treasurer:

The treasures shall maintain the accounts of the society, Treasurer shall also get it audited from the auditor annually.

To keep the accounts Bank A/c ledger of the association/society and to sign all the documents of the accounts. The accounts shall be kept separately of all foreign donations/grants/ contributions if any.


9.Chapters of the Association/Society: (Chapter Byelaws) – As per Annexure A

10. Elections: ELECTION BYE-LAWS – As per Annexure B


11. Financial Powers

The Management Committee of the Association/Society has the power to the extent of Rs. 1,00,000/­ (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) for Revenue Expenditure and Rs. 2,00,000/­ (Rupees One Lakh Only) for Capital Expenditure at one time and shall not include event specific donations/sponsorships and expenditure for the General Body Meetings / Elections / Annual Dinners / other events as per Association event calendars. The limit is for the general expenses of day to day working of the Association.

The Managing Committee shall have a limit of Rs. 2,00,000/­ (Two Lacs) for the purpose of pre event expenditures incurred to conduct any events for the members of the association. However, it shall be the endeavor of the Managing Committee to meet this expense, and also generate a surplus, through sponsorships, advertisement and donations etc.

12. Amendments:

Any amendments in the aims and objects or the rules and regulations of the society may be made in accordance with section 12 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

13. Funds:

The funds of the society would normally be kept with any of the Bank and the bank account shall be operated by following jointly (a) President (b) Secretary (c) Treasurer.

14. Audits

The books of accounts of the society shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant who shall be appointed by the Managing Committee for the purpose.

15. Legal Proceedings:

The society may sue or be sued in its name through the President / Secretary as per the provisions of section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

16. Books to be maintained
1. Membership Register 2. Minute Books 3. Cash Book
4. Ledger 5. Dispatch Register 6. Any other register and documents required for the said purpose

17. Dissolution

The society shall be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860

18. Jurisdiction

All disputes of the society shall come under the courts of Dehradun jurisdiction.

19. Others:

All the incomes, earnings, movable and immovable properties of the association/society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives only as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members. No member of the association/society shall have the personal claim in any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profit whatsoever by the virtue of its membership.





9.Chapters of the Association/Society: (Chapter Byelaws)

9.1 Interpretations for the purpose of Local Chapter(s) of the Association/society:

9.1.a “LOCAL CHAPTER(s)” shall mean a branch of S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun; whose regional boundaries & territory of operations, whether state(s) or city(ies) has been defined by the Managing Committee.

9.1.b “THE ASSOCIATION” shall mean S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun which is registered under the Societies Act and having its Registered Office and Head Office at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, INDIA

9.1.c “MEMBERS” shall mean any person who is the Member of the Association i.e. parent body S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun. Only a member of S.J.A. Alumni Association S.J.A. Alumni Association can become members of the Local Chapter(s). A member of one Local Chapter has the right to attend all events, functions and meetings etc of another Local Chapter.

9.1.d “MANAGING COMMITTEE” shall mean Managing Committee as per Memorandum of Association & Rules and regulations of the S.J.A. Alumni Association, operating at society’s Head office at Dehradun

9.1.e “CHAPTER COUNCIL” shall mean the Chapter Council Members of THE LOCAL CHAPTER(s), (i.e. Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer).

9.1.f “TERM” Term means the term of office of the office bearer of the Chapter Council. The Term of the office bearer is two years.

There shall be a cooling period of One Term i.e. two years, between two terms. If the member wishes to contest elections for a different post as held in previous term, cooling period will not be applicable.

9.2 Removal of Difficulty – If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these rules & regulations, the Managing Committee of S.J.A. Alumni Association shall make such provisions or give such directions as appear to be necessary for the removal of such difficulty. The decision / direction of the Managing Committee shall be binding on the Local Chapter(s).

9.3 Objects of the Local Chapter(s):

9.3.a The Local Chapter(s) shall assist the Managing Committee of S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun.

9.3.b To carry out the objects of the Association as defined in the Memorandum of Association.

9.3.c To reach out to maximum number of Josephites within their regional and territorial boundary.

9.4 Local Chapter(s):

9.4.a Each Local Chapter(s) shall operate under a Charter issued to it by the Managing Committee of the Association within its defined area/ territory. No acts of the Chapter(s) shall directly or indirectly nullify or contravene any act, policy, Rules & Regulations, Guidelines or bylaw of the Association.

9.4.b The Managing Committee of the Association may establish any number of Local Chapter(s) and define related territory/ area of operations and be empowered to change the same.

9.4.c No Local Chapter(s) shall have any title or any interest in any property or other assets of the Association. It shall have right over only the property/ assets created by itself. Upon the revocation or closing down of any Local Chapter(s), the funds, property and records of the Local Chapter(s) shall revert to and shall remain the sole property of the Association.

9.4.d Failure of any Local Chapter(s) to serve the requirements and furnish the information required by these Guidelines and Rules & Regulations shall be the cause of revocation of that Chapter(s). Any Local Chapter(s) may be revoked at any time by a two thirds majority of the Managing Committee of the Association provided that the Chapter Council is given the opportunity to show cause why such action should not be taken. In such case of revocation all assets, documents and details shall immediately be transferred to the Association.

9.5 Chapter Membership:

The minimum number of members in a Local Chapter shall be not less than Twenty. All members of the S.J.A. Alumni Association residing in the respective regional limits shall in effect become members of that Local Chapter.

In case after establishment of a Local Chapter the membership falls below Twenty, it shall be the discretion of the Managing Committee of the Association by 2/3rd majority in consultation with the Chapter Coordinator to continue or revoke the Local Chapter.

A member may make a written application to the Local Chapter Coordinator to transfer his membership from one Local Chapter to another Local Chapter giving reasons thereof. The Local Chapter coordinator on approving such request shall forward a copy of the request and his approval to the Managing Committee and the new Local Chapter’s Coordinator to whom the member wants to be transferred to.

9.6 Chapter Council :

9.6.a Each Chapter Council shall comprise of One Coordinator, One Secretary and One Treasurer and immediate previous Chapter(s) Coordinator as ex-officio member.

9.6.b The Management of the affairs of the Local Chapter(s) of the S.J.A. Alumni Association shall be vested in the Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s)

9.6.c The First Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s) shall be nominated by the Managing Committee from amongst the Chapter members. The first nominated Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s) shall hold office from the date of appointment till the date of first elections, which shall be held after completion of minimum two years in the month of August. Thereafter, election shall be held in August at the end of 2 years’ term in the following manner:

i) Managing Committee of the Association shall invite nomination applications post wise from its members for the various posts of the Chapter Council i.e. Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer of the Local Chapter(s).

ii) If only one nomination application is received by the Managing Committee for the respective post(s) of Chapter Council the Managing Committee shall nominate/appoint such person unopposed.

iii) If more than one application is received by the Managing Committee and after scrutiny of such applications received for the posts of the Chapter Council, the Managing Committee shall appoint an Election Officer for the Local Chapter(s) and he shall conduct the elections for the Local Chapter(s) via secret ballot.

iv) The members of the respective Local Chapter(s) whose dues are cleared shall by way of elections via secret ballot only select the Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s).

v) No postal or e-ballot or proxy shall be allowed for the Local Chapter(s) election.

vi) In case of any dispute regarding elections result or process the decision of the Managing Committee in consultation with the Election officer shall be final and binding.

vii) The cost of election shall primarily be borne by the Local Chapter and the Association may contribute for the same in cash/ bank/ kind.


9.6.d Any member of the Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s) who absents himself from three consecutive committee meetings shall cease to be a member of the committee, except if he is granted leave of absence, if so required in writing. The Managing Committee may appoint any member from the Local Chapter(s) to fill in the vacant post so created at its discretion, which shall be final and binding.

9.6.e Any member of the Chapter Council may at any time resign from his office by writing under his hand and signature addressed to the Coordinator of the Local Chapter(s), who shall accept or reject the same. The Managing Committee may appoint any member from the Local Chapter(s) to fill in the vacant post so created at its discretion, which shall be final and binding.


9.6.e Meeting of the Chapter Council:

(i) The Chapter Council of The Local Chapter(s) shall meet at least once in every four months.

(ii) Two members shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Chapter Council, excluding the ex-officio member.

(iii) The notice of all such meetings shall be given by email or post at least seven days prior to such meeting.

(iv) The minutes of each Chapter Council meetings shall be duly recorded and signed and a copy of which shall be available to Managing Committee anytime after 10 days of the meeting who shall have the right to attend such meeting without forming part of quorum.


9.7 General Body Meetings of the Local Chapter(s)

9.7.a The Chapter Council shall hold an Annual Meeting (AM) of the Local Chapter(s) once a year latest by the 31st August of the year and adopt the accounts until 31st March of that year and forward the same to Managing Committee for consolidation within seven days

9.7.b The General body of the Local Chapter can take up and decide issues as per the Agenda specified in the notice of the meeting.

9.7.c The Chapter(s) Coordinator or Secretary may call any number of General Body Meetings of the Local Chapter during the year as deemed necessary to transact business before it.

9.7.d The quorum for the general body meetings of the Local Chapter shall be lower of one third of the number Local Chapter members or 10 members.

9.7.e Fifteen days’ notice at the least, specifying the place, date and hour of meeting and the Agenda shall be given to the members of the Local Chapter(s) by registered post / email but the nonreceipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Annual Meeting.

9.7.f The minutes and proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Local Chapter(s) shall be made available to the Managing Committee after fifteen days of the meeting at any time as may be requested who shall have the right to attend such meeting without forming part of quorum.

9.8 Functions and Powers of Chapter Council of Local Chapter(s):

9.8.a Coordinator

9.8.a.i. The coordinator shall supervise all the activities of the Local Chapter.

9.8.a.ii. The Chapter Coordinator shall be the chief executive authority of the Chapter functioning under the Memorandum of Association, Rules & Regulations, Guidelines and the Managing Committee of the Association.

9.8.b Secretary

9.8.b.i. The Secretary of the Local Chapter shall, assist in managing the affairs of the Local Chapter.

9.8.b.ii. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter Council and General Body meetings of the Local Chapter and its sub-Committees, if any, in a proper minute book.

9.8.b.iii. The Secretary shall also maintain any other record as relevant for the functioning of the Local Chapter(s) and issue notices and correspondence under his name and seal.

9.8.c Treasurer

9.8.c.i. The Treasurer of The Local Chapter shall be responsible for the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the Local Chapter, and shall present an account to the Chapter Council each year on or before the Annual Meeting (AM) of the Local Chapter(s) and the accounts shall be duly signed and certified as correct.

9.8.c.ii. The treasurer shall cause proper books of accounts to be maintained and prepare annual accounts as per policies approved and constituted by the Managing Committee of the Association from time to time.

9.8.c.iii. The Treasurer of the Chapter(s) may be required to furnish books of accounts, vouchers etc as may be required by the Treasurer or Managing Committee of the Association from time to time.

9.9 Accounts of the Local Chapter(s)

9.9.a Bank Accounts:

9.9.a.i. All moneys of The Local Chapter(s) shall be deposited with a Nationalised Bank

9.9.a.ii. The Bank account of the Local Chapter(s) shall be opened, closed and operated jointly by the Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer of the Local Chapter(s). There shall be three signatories for all the cheques/withdrawals.

9.9.a.iii. All bank accounts of the Local Chapter(s) shall be the sole property of the Association S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun.

9.9.a.iv. The relationship of the Local Chapter and the Association shall be that of a branch of the Association.

9.9.b. Financial Year:

The financial year of all The Local Chapter(s) shall start from 1st April and close on 31st March every year.


9.9.c. The expenses of any activity by Local Chapter shall be borne by the Local Chapter within their own means with or without collaboration with the Managing Committee as may be agreed upon.

9.9.d Financial Power of the Chapter Council(s):

The financial power of the Chapter Council for each Local Chapter(s) shall be restricted to Rs. 20,000/ (INR Twenty Thousand Only) for Revenue Expenditure and Rs. 35,000/ (INR Thirty Five Thousand Only) for Capital Expenditure at one time and shall not include specific expenditure as approved by the Managing Committee in writing. The limit is for the general expenses of day to day working of the Local Chapter(s).

9.10 Audit and Auditor of the Local Chapter(s)

The Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s) after consultation with the Managing Committee shall annually appoint an Auditor of the Local Chapter(s) at the General Body Annual Meeting of the Chapter. The Auditor so appointed shall be a practicing Chartered Account as defined in the Charted Accountants Act, 1949. The Auditor shall have access at all reasonable time, to the accounts and securities.

In the event of the deceased or resignation of the Auditor, another auditor shall be appointed to the office by the Resolution of the Chapter Council after consultation with the Managing Committee.

9.11 General Guidelines of the Local Chapter(s)

9.11.a The Association through its Managing Committee may contribute financially as per its decision and discretion in the events, functions & activities of the Local Chapter(s). The Local Chapter(s) shall not have any share otherwise in the activities, functions or events done by the Association directly.

9.11.b The Chapter Council of the Local Chapter(s) shall be empowered to collect any voluntary contribution from the members of the Local Chapter subject to the Memorandum of Association, Guidelines and Rules & Regulations of the Association. The Local Chapter(s) shall issue receipts for all moneys received.

9.11.c There shall be no separate amount payable for Local Chapter membership until otherwise agreed and approved by the members at the Local Chapter General Body meeting.

9.11.d The member of Managing Committee S.J.A. Alumni Association, Dehradun shall have at all times rights and access to examine the records, books of accounts, vouchers, receipt books etc of the Local Chapter(s) so as to ascertain and ensure proper functioning of the Local Chapter(s).

9.11.e The Members of the Local Chapter(s) shall have the right to refer any matter to the Managing Committee of the Association when they have a disagreement with their Chapter Council; subject to 1/3rd (One Third) members of the Local Chapter signing such reference. The decision of the Managing Committee in this regard shall be final and binding.

9.11.f The local chapter shall enter into any agreement/contract/ arrangement etc in its own capacity eg. “SJA Alumni Association, Delhi Chapter”. The Association or its Managing Committee shall not be responsible for any misconduct, misappropriations, liabilities incurred by the Local Chapter(s) whatsoever. In case any misappropriations or liabilities are incurred by the Local Chapter(s), the same shall be made good by the Chapter(s) Council members jointly or individually.

9.11.g The Managing Committee shall have the right to alter/amend the Guidelines & Bylaws of Local Chapter(s) as deemed necessary for the smooth functioning of the Chapter(s). The guidelines may be different or similar for each Local Chapter. Such guidelines issued shall be binding on the Local Chapter(s).

9.11.h The Jurisdiction of all Local Chapter(s) of the Association shall lie at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India only. The Jurisdiction of any and all courts of law shall also lie at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Only.




Annexure – B



10.1 These bye‐laws shall be called ‘Election Bye‐Laws’ and shall govern the conduct of elections of members of Managing Committee hereinafter called ‘MC’ of SJA Alumni Association hereinafter called ‘AA’.

10.1.a. These bye‐laws shall be read in conjunction with the Constitution of AA.

10.1.b. Elections shall be held at every alternative AGM. Term of the MC shall begin at the AGM and last till the next Election AGM.

10.1.c. All members of the MC shall be elected from amongst the members of AA. The election will be by secret ballot, and the electorate shall be all members of the AA. Each member shall cast only one vote for any one position being contested.

10.1.d. When elections are due, the sitting MC shall appoint a Returning Officer who shall be responsible for the successful conduct and declaration of the election results. The Returning Officer shall be a senior member of AA minimum of 50 (fifty) years of age.

10.1.e. The Returning Officer may co‐opt other members of the Association for the smooth conduct of the elections.

10.1.f. The MC shall provide all logistic support for the work of the Returning Officer, but shall not otherwise interfere, control or direct the Returning Officer in the discharge of his duties.

10.1.g. The Election for the incoming MC will be conducted by the Returning Officer and his team under the last item of the Agenda for the AGM, which will be “To elect a new MC for the ensuing term (2011‐13, 2013‐15…… as the case may be).”

Tenure and Qualification Criteria

10.2. As per Clause no 7 and sub clause no 2(a) of the Rules and Regulations of AA, the MC shall consist of 5 (five) office bearers and 7 (Seven) members elected by the members of AA.

10.3. Tenure of MC shall comprise of one term = two years.

Post No of Posts Tenure Cooling off

period between

two terms **

Max no of tenures

tenable by a

member for the post

President One One term One term Two terms
Vice President Two One term One term Two terms
Secretary One One term One term Two terms
Treasurer One One term One term Two terms
MC Members Seven One term Nil Nil


**Cooling off period will be applicable only if the member wishes to contest the elections for the post already held by the member. If the member wishes to contest elections for a different post, cooling off period will not be applicable.

10.4. Qualification Criteria shall be as under: ­

Post Minimum years since pass out from the school

(To be calculated from year of passing of ISC or equivalent exam)

Minimum tenure as MC member Member stationed at
President 15 years ONE Any where
Vice President (Local) 10 years NIL Dehradun
Vice President

(Out-Station) #

10 years NIL Any where
Secretary 10 years ONE Dehradun
Treasurer 10 years ONE Dehradun
MC Members 10 years for four (4) senior members and 3 years for the balance three (3) members NIL Any where

# In case there is no nomination for a VP from outside Dehradun then the second VP should also be from DDN.


10.4.a. Every candidate shall be a bonafide member of the AA for a minimum period of One year prior to the date of elections for post of MC Member. Whereas for posts of President, VPs, Secretary & Treasurer the every candidate should be a bonafide member of the AA for a minimum period of Two years.

10.4.b. Preferably a minimum of two MC members will be women. In the event of women candidates not coming forward male members may be elected to fill in the vacancy.

10.4.c. MC may recognize Josephites who have attained exemplary heights on merit as CHAIRMAN EMERITIUS to add credibility to the AA; such recognition shall be for one term of the MC as ex-officio.

MC should ensure that any candidate with a criminal record should not be allowed to contest the elections for which a mandatory undertaking shall be taken from all prospective candidates.

10.5. Disqualification/Resignation/Demise of MC Member.

10.5.a. Any office bearer or member who is not able to attend any MC meeting continuously for a period of six months or minimum of two consecutive meetings whichever is more shall be deemed to have demitted office as member of the MC.

10.5.b. In the event of vacancy being created as a result of disqualification / resignation / demise of any office bearer or member of MC the following procedure will be adopted:‐

10.5.b.i President. Senior Vice President (seniority in school) shall officiate as President for the balance of term. Any MC member may be elected for the post of V.P. by simple Majority of MC to fill the vacancy.

10.5.b.ii. Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any member of MC may be nominated as a Vice President or Secretary or Treasurer by simple majority of MC to fill the vacancy.

10.5.b.iii. Members. The MC is empowered to nominate any other AA member in accordance with the provisions of Clause no 7 and sub clause no 2(h) of Rules and Regulations of AA and for the balance term of the MC to make good the vacancy. The procedure will also be adopted to fill in the chain vacancy created as a result of Sub Clause b(i) and b(ii) above.

10.5.c. At no instance shall the MC comprise of more than 6 (six) adhoc members. In such an event, snap polls to be called by the President.

10.6.Election Procedure.

Elections shall be held by means of electronic polling of secret ballot on the Election Day. However, remote e-voting may be resorted to in case a member is unable to attend the AGM due personal exigencies which would be open for a time period of 72 hours and end at 8:00AM 1 day prior to the date of voting or as the MC and Returning Officer may deem fit.

10.7. Notification.

10.7.a A notification for the elections shall be issued by the President AA minimum 90 (ninety) days prior to the expiry of the term of the MC. The notification shall be published on the AA website and a copy shall be e‐mailed/posted to all members.


10.7.b The notification shall call upon the AA members to come forward to file their candidature. The notification shall include the following information:‐

(i) Date of elections.

(ii) Posts for which elections are being conducted.

(iii) Last date of filing nominations.

(iv) Name of the Returning Officer

(v) Last date of Withdrawal of Nomination


10.7.c Consequent to the notification, all AA members are expected to update their contact details held with AA office.

10.8. Nominations.

10.8.a The nomination shall be made in the appropriate form available with the Alumni Office and website.

10.8.b Nominations shall specify the position being contested and no member may contest for two positions at the same elections.

10.8.c Last date of nomination shall be min of 60 (sixty) days prior to the date of elections.

10.8.d Each candidate shall be entitled to be nominated by one nomination paper only. Each Nomination Paper shall be delivered personally to the Returning Officer or on his instruction to the Alumni Office in person by the candidate or through a representative.

10.8.e The candidate before filing the nomination shall clear all dues towards the AA and shall give a declaration to this effect. In case the declaration is found to be false at a later date the candidature shall be dismissed.

10.8.f All candidates will submit a written disclosure of their business dealings with the school if any along with the nomination papers.

10.8.g The Returning Officer shall prepare a list of all nominations received by him, post wise and the same shall be published on AA website and displayed in the AA office.

10.8.h That the nomination filed by the candidate shall be accompanied by a non- refundable nomination fee in the form of demand draft / Bank Transfer receipt in favour of SJA Alumni Association. The nomination fee shall be as under :-

Post Amount (INR)
President 15,000
Vice President (Local) 15,000
Vice President (Out Station) 15,000
Secretary 15,000
Treasurer 15,000
Senior MC Member 10,000
Junior MC Member 8,000

10.9.Scrutiny of Nominations.

All nominations will be scrutinised by the RO with the help of MC and in the event of any information found false or incomplete or not satisfying the qualification criteria the nomination shall be cancelled and informed to the candidate within one week of last date of filing of nominations.

10.10. Withdrawal of Candidature.

10.10.a Provisional list of all eligible candidates will be published on the AA website within one week of last date of filing of the nominations. A letter/mail of acceptance of nomination shall be emailed to the candidates. Any candidates can withdraw his candidature within 10 days from the last date of filing the nominations. A written notice to this effect will be served to the Returning Officer by the candidate in writing by physical letter/e‐mail within the stipulated time. Notice of withdrawal of candidature shall be final and shall not be allowed to be cancelled.

10.10.b Final list of all candidates will be published on the AA website within a day of finalisation of the list of candidates.

10.11. Uncontested Returns and Contested Elections.

10.11.a Where the number of contesting candidates for any post is equal to the number of posts to be filled, all such contesting candidates shall be deemed to be duly elected unopposed to those posts, and it will not be necessary to take a poll for election to such post(s).

10.11.b Where the number of contesting candidates for any post is more than the number of posts to be filled, a poll shall be taken by secret ballot for those posts remaining unfilled.

10.11.c Where the number of contesting candidates for any post is less than the number of posts to be filled then in such a case the clauses for Cooling off period, Max no of tenures tenable by a member for the post, Member stationed at and Minimum tenure as MC member shall not apply and they shall be filled as under:­

(i) For President – Senior Existing VP (as per seniority in school) automatically becomes President. In case he declines then the other existing VP becomes President.

(ii) For VP (Local) – Existing Secretary becomes VP (Local)

(iii) For VP (Outstation) – Any member of the Association may be nominated as VP (outstation) by the existing MC. Such nominated member must be seconded by at-least 10 members at the AGM.

(iv) For Secretary – Existing Treasurer becomes Secretary.

(v) For Treasurer – Senior most (as per Seniority in school) MC Member becomes Treasurer. In case he/she declines then the next senior most becomes the Treasurer.

(vi) For MC Member Senior – If 2 or lesser seats receive no nominations, then the existing MC can nominate the MC member from the members of the Alumni Association and such nominated member must be seconded by atleast 10 members at the AGM. If no nominations are received for 3 seats or no nominations are received for entire 4 seats then the existing MC members shall continue further for the next term. If circumstances arise that a Senior MC member becomes Treasurer by virtue of clause (v) above, the existing MC shall nominate 1 senior MC member from the members of the Alumni Association and such nominated member must be seconded by atleast 10 members at the AGM.

(vii) For MC Member Junior – If 2 or lesser seats receive no nominations, then the existing MC can nominate the MC member from the present members of the Alumni Association and such nominated member must be seconded by atleast 10 members at the AGM. If no nominations are received for entire 3 posts then the existing MC members shall continue further for the next term.


Further no polling shall be required for the post as filled in as per clause (i) to (vii) above and the candidate shall be deemed elected unopposed for the term of the M.C.


10.11.d The electronic voting shall be conducted by using the services of a certified vendor competent and authorized to conduct elections and voting in accordance with the guidelines and safety measures prescribed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs / Government of India.

10.11.e List of AA members with addresses and available email IDs will be provided to the candidates if asked for in writing on a token charge to be decided by the MC.

10.12. Valid Voters

Valid voters shall mean Life time members and active members who have NO DUES as at the cut- off date.

10.13 Cut Off date

(a) For Remote Voting: The Cut off date for remote voting shall mean the date to be set in consultation with the e- voting vendor when the Managing Committee shall forward the data of valid voters to the certified e-voting vendor.

(b) For Onsite Voting: The cut off date for onsite voting shall mean the last permitted time on the date of onsite voting when a member may vote.


10.14 Remote e-Voting

The MC shall ensure regular and proper facility to members round the year and specifically from the date of issue of election notification to the Alumni to update their contact details i.e. Email ID, Contact number, Address etc.

The members shall authorize the MC to collect address and ID proof preferably Alumni ID Card or any other government issued ID to ensure authenticity and integrity of the data request to be updated. The MC shall be empowered to reject any application for contact details update which is found to be incomplete, improper or duplicate in terms of email ID and Phone number.

The Secretary and/or the E-voting vendor shall send the necessary instructions with respect to remote voting and request for registration to members for availing the facility of remote voting post the issue of election notification

The contact details of voter members shall be shared with the e-voting agency who shall send the members their User ID and Password in encrypted format to register on the e-voting for casting their vote remotely.

The members shall cast their vote on the voting portal and the agency shall ensure recording of the membership number of the members who have voted. Members who have registered on the e-voting portal shall be able to cast their vote using system generated OTP sent by the E-voting agency on the registered contact details. Members shall ensure correct and authorized usage of the login credentials.

Non-updating/ Non- registration of correct and complete contact details may result in the members losing his/her right to cast the vote remotely.

10.15 Electronic On-site voting

The on site e-voting would be conducted by use of Tablet/ computer or similar devices secured and configured by the e-voting agency ensuring integrity and security of the election process

Each voter shall be required, before he is supplied with a One time password, to give his/her signature on the authenticated copy of the list of AA members used by the Returning Officer for taking the poll. The voter shall present his membership card to prove his identity. In the absence of membership card a valid photo id issued by the Government may be accepted at the discretion of the Returning Officer.

The voter who has already casted his/ her vote using Remote e- Voting facility shall not be eligible to cast his vote in the Electronic On-Site voting.

The valid voter shall cast his/her vote on the devices in secrecy in a voting compartment specially provided for the purpose at the polling station using the system generated OTP supplied by the E-voting agency.

The Returning Officer shall close the poll at the appointed hour; However, all those voters who are present at the counter of the returning officer at the polling station at the appointed closing hour shall be entitled to vote even if the poll proceedings have to be continued for some more time. The returning Officer shall issue the tokens for those at the que and only those allotted with the tokens shall further proceed.

10.16 Counting and Scrutiny of E-Votes:

The Returning officer shall collect the vote tally and related data from the e-voting agency in the format as may be deemed fit.

The Returning officer along with his team of volunteers shall collate the total votes cast on site and remote voting.

Each contesting candidate, if he/she so desires can nominate one authorized representative and he/she shall be entitled to be present as observer at the place of counting of votes.

The Returning Officer shall thereafter ascertain the result of counting generated through the e voting process and the candidates who have secured the maximum number of votes in the said descending order, post-wise, equal to the number of seats to be filled for each post, shall be deemed to have been duly elected to those posts. If there is a tie winner shall be decided by draw of lots.

10.17 Declaration of Result and Oath of Office

10.17.a Having satisfied himself, the results shall be announced by the Returning officer. The results shall be later published on the AA website. The Returning Officer shall give a signed copy of the new MC elected to the Patron of AA (Principal SJA) and President of the outgoing MC and also put it up in the AA Office in the School premises.

10.17.b The decision of Returning Officer in respect elections will be final and acceptable to all contestants.

10.17.c Oath of office shall be administered to the newly elected MC by the Patron on a pre­​designated date.


10.18. Handing Over/ Transfer of Charge

The outgoing Management Committee shall be required to hand over complete charge to the newly elected Managing Committee within 30 days from the declaration of the result.

The outgoing managing committee while handing over the charge shall also provide a signed provisional balance sheet up to the date of handing over, alongside complete set of books of accounts, vouchers, Minutes Books, Membership data and forms, agreement etc and all other relevant documents along wit the bank account signatory power duly transferred to the new office bearers.

Further, the outgoing MC shall also ensure transfer of login Ids and passwords of the website, payment gateway, email accounts, various digital applications/ portal, social media profiles, Income Tax Portal etc. along with all other assets of the SJA Alumni Association at such transfer of handover.





The information as compiled and provided is for general information purposes Only. All information is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of the information being provided. The information provided is subject to change at any given point of time. Under no circumstances the Society or it’s officials can be held responsible or liable or shall have any liability as a result of the information being provided or used by you. Use of the information is solely at your own risk. While we have made every attempt to ensure the correctness of the information, SJA AA and its officials are not responsible for any errors or omissions or from the result obtained from the use of this information. Incase of any error, the decision taken at the respective EGM/AGM shall be final. Updated and complied till December 2020.
